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1959Year data capsule ejected from nose cone during flight recovered ATLANTIC YIELDS CAPSULE OF THOR

Air Force Regains Data Unit of 1,600-Mile Missile -Vanguard Is Tested

1956Year Lt W E Recht, who sued Randolph Base comdr Brig Gen Persons, released from service LITIGANT OUT OF SERVICE

Air Force Releases Lieutenant Who Sued Commander

1962Year all 14 Adms ask retirement, apparently dissatisfied with results of power struggle

air force remains on alert; Lt Gen Rattenbach sworn in as War Sec; casualties now put at 14 dead, 55 hurt in 5 days ARGENTINE NAVY STIRS CRISIS FEAR; All Admirals Ask to Resign --Air Force on Alert ARGENTINE NAVY STIRS CRISIS FEAR

1941Year BERLIN, Dec. 16 (from German broadcasts recorded by The United Press) -- The High Command claimed today that German forces had inflicted heavy losses on the Red Army in local hostilities along the eastern front. NAZIS CITE SOVIET LOSSES

Air Force Reported Active From Crimea to Arctic Circle

1959Year A Government plan for spurring the development of a national air-cargo fleet apparently ran into trouble last week. SLIM CHANCE SEEN FOR AIR-CARGO AID

Air Force Reportedly Balks at Quesada's Loan Plan for Commercial Lines

1957Year Bombers being armed with long-range air-to-surface Rascal missile SNARK LAUNCHING CALLED A SUCCESS

Air Force Reports Firing Guided Missile in a Test at Cape Canaveral

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