1922Year European exchanges were featured yesterday by the sharp advance in German marks, checks on Berlin selling up to 44-100ths of a cent, after an opening at .39 . Dealers attribute recent strength in the mark to acceptance by prominent American financiers of the ... FOREIGN EXCHANGE
Strength in German Marks-- Canadian Dollars Higher-- Sterling, Continentals Firm.
1942Year LONDON, Aug. 25 -- The features of an otherwise quiet stock market were the continued rise in gilt-edged issues and strength in the internationals. The demand for British funds kept the tone of the market firm. The 3 1/2 per cent war loan and the old consols each gained 1-16 point. BONDS AND SHARES IN LONDON MARKET
Strength in Gilt-Edge Issues and International Stocks Features of Trading BRAZILIANS MEET SUPPORT Home Rails Are Quiet but the Argentine Carriers Run Into Selling Movement
1940Year LONDON, Feb. 9--A brisk recovery in the gilt-edge list and a further strong rise among the home rails were features in trading in the stock markets today. While these developments put other sec tions into the background, the general tone was firm. NEWS OF MARKETS IN EUROPEAN CITIES
Strength in Gilt-Edge List and the Home Rails Is Day's Feature in London PARIS IS FIRM BUT DULL Wall Street's Pickup a Stimulant to Amsterdam--Treasurys Are Firm in Berlin
1939Year LONDON, Oct. 9.--The feature of the stock markets today was the further modest expansion in the gilt-edge section. Prices were firm and with only a few exceptions it was fairly easy to sell at or slightly above the minimum prices. Other groups were generally quiet with a solid undertone. NEWS OF MARKETS IN EUROPEAN CITIES
Strength in Gilt-Edge Stocks Features London Session-- Other Sections Quiet FIRM TENDENCY IN PARIS Political Uncertainty Creates Dullness in Amsterdam-- Prices Drop in Berlin
1952Year London markets revs CONFIDENCE' CITED FOR LONDON GAINS
Strength in Gilt-Edged Stocks and Government Securities Leads Others Upward MANY NEAR YEAR'S HIGH Hopes by Mine Shareholders for Rise in World Gold Price Appear Lost and Forlorn
1935Year Strength in United States Government bonds again featured the markets, whose actions yesterday were largely a repetition of the dull and colorless movements of the day before. Stocks and commodities drifted lower, following early steadiness as speculators elected to remain aloof in the absence of anything in the day's news grist to prompt much action. FINANCIAL MARKETS
Strength in Government Bonds Features Otherwise Dull Trading -- Stocks and Commodities Lower.