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1945Year Troops man Manchester (Eng) Bradford Rd Corp plant after day shift workers stage 3d strike in 9 mo, protesting Nov strikers jailing Gen and Munic Workers Union condemns strike TROOPS ACT IN A STRIKE

British Army Moves Into Gas Works at Manchester

1931Year Iron road, invented by F G Small, being tested on Romford Rd IRON ROAD GETS A TRIAI.

British Army Officer Asserts It Will Prove to Be Superior.


British Army Officer Marries Anne S. Henderson of Waaf

1926Year Col M Saunders predicts war over India if Soviet policy continues FORECASTS WAR OVER INDIA.

British Army Officer Says It Will Come if Soviet Continue Tactics.

1930Year Death BRIG. GEN. W. C. E. RUDKIN.

British Army Officer, Decorated In Boer War, Dies in London.

1956Year GB orders Brit troops attached to Jordanian Army to halt tech and advisory duties temporarily AID TO JORDAN HALTED

British Army Officers' Service There 'Temporarily' Stopped

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