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1943Year Appts retail price advisory council

calls conf OPA NAMES GROUP ON NON-FOOD PRICES; 55 Spokesmen of Retail Trade, 4 of Consumers and 2 of Organized Labor to Aid

1957Year US State Dept denies Dulles asked special conf with Amb Hussein to urge better relations

calls conf routine EGYPTIAN CALL ROUTINE; State Department Says Dulles Did Not Press for Amity

1946Year Fed conciliator P J Manno arrives, Camden

calls conf SEEKS TO AVERT STRIKE; Federal Conciliator at Camden in Campbell Soup Dispute

1953Year NYS Mediation Bd enters Moore-McCormack dispute

calls conf STATE TAKES STEP TO END PIER STRIKE; Mediator Calls Session Today as Dispute Over the Status of Docker Enters 2d Week

1959Year Rubottom says US will work through inter-Amer system in combatting Communists, TV int


1948Year Youngdahl sends troops to Albert Lea to stop mass picketing at Wilson's

calls conf to end strike; Helstein says strike will continue; orders talks renewal MINNESOTA TROOPS GO TO ALBERT LEA; Sent to Stop Disorder at the Packing Plant There -- Cattle Reach South St. Paul Yards MINNESOTA TROOPS GO TO ALBERT LEA

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