Stephens' Single in Ninth Wins at Chicago, 1 to 0
1948Year BOSTON, May 5 (AP) -- Junior Stephens' eleventh-inning homer carried the Boston Red Sox to a 4-3 victory over the Tigers today after Ted Williams had saved the game in the tenth with a magnificent double-play throw to the plate to retire the side with the bases loaded. RED SOX TOP TIGERS ON HOMER IN 11TH
Stephens' Smash Decides, 4-3 -- Williams' Throw in 10th Doubles Runner at Plate
1945Year DETROIT, May 5 (AP)--Pitching four-hit ball in his first nineinning job of the season, Jack Kramer shut out the Tigers, 5 to 0, today as the Browns bunched four extra-base hits for four runs off Paul (Dizzy) Trout in the fourth inning. KRAMER OF BROWNS BLANKS TIGERS, 5-0
Stephens' Third Homer Opens Four-Run Fourth Inning That Settles Issue FIRST DEFEAT FOR TROUT Detroit Hurler, Giving Seven Hits, Halted After Taking Three Games in Row
1951Year BOSTON, June 13 (AP)--Southpaw Bill Wright pitched his best game of the season for the Red Sox today, twirling Boston to a 2-0 triumph over the Tigers. It Wight of Red Sox Hurls 5-Hitter To Gain 2-0 Victory Over Tigers
Stephens' Triple Sets Up Boston's First Run in Second Inning--Williams Bats In Tally With Double in Eighth
1943Year BOSTON, Sept. 29 (AP) -- A pair of extra-inning homers by Vern Stephens enabled the Browns to clinch the American League's sixth place by defeating the Red Sox, 4 -- 3, today in their thirteen-inning opening game. Those teams then waged a 3-3 nine-inning second-game deadlock that was halted by darkness. BROWNS WIN BY 4-3 IN 13TH, THEN TIE
Stephens' Two Homers Help Top Red Sox -- Nightcap Halted in 9th, 3-3
Stephens'College Alumha to Be Wed to Gordon D. Donald Jr., Ex-Studert at Princeton