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1965Year Vietcong overruns outpost, Kieng Giang Prov

21 defenders killed; US Defense Dept repts 356 Amers killed, 1,546 wounded, 19 missing, '61-64 4 Year Vietnam Toll For U.S. Is 356 Dead

1923Year speaks at dedication of Community Ch, of which he will be pastor BISHOP DEDICATES COMMUNITY CHURCH

21 Denominations Represented in New Jackson Heights Place of Worship.

1923Year near-tornado strikes Byesville, O, causing damage to property and injuries to people

21 die in tornado in Mitchel Co, Tex NEAR-TORNADO HITS OHIO.; More Than a Score Are Injured and Fifty Houses Damaged.

1974Year Madison Sq Garden Corp holds annual stockholders' meeting at Roosevelt Raceway

21 dirs elected (S) Sports News Briefs

1959Year NYS Appeals Ct refuses to reinstate 21 ptl dismissed in H Gross case POLICE OUSTERS UPHELD

21 Dismissed in Gross Case Lose Final State Appeal

1953Year A galaxy of contemporary chair designs is the star of the summer furniture show at Abraham Straus. In addition to the chairs, there are seventeen newly redecorated model rooms. CHAIR DESIGNS STAR IN FURNITURE SHOW

21 Displayed in Small Settings -- 17 Model Rooms Accent Colors and Windows

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