1963Year SHERBORN, Mass., Dec. 7-- Miss Wendy Deborah Wood and William Dismore Chapple, teaching assistants at Stanford University, were married here yesterday. Wendy D. Wood Becomes Bride Of W.D. Chapple
Teaching Assistants at Stanford Are Wed in Sherborn, Mass.
1990Year LEAD: The union movement may have been in decline for years, but graduate teaching assistants seem to be running counter to the trend. Campus Life
Teaching Assistants Looking to Unions
1962Year KINGSTON, Pa., Oct. 13-- Mr. and Mrs. Allen F. Hutcheson have announced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Abigail Mason Hutcheson, to Goraun Maskew Fair Jr., son of Professor and Mrs. Fair of Cambridge, Mass. Miss Hutcheson Engaged to Wed Gordon Fair Jr.
Teaching Associate at Harvard Fiancee of Marketing Official
1967Year Article on various means by which poets earn income
teaching at univs, being poet in residence or reading poetry on campus lecture tours discussed; various poets comment CAMPUS GREENERY ATTRACTING POETS; Writers Find That College Is Route to Affluence
2004Year Article on special burden borne by siblings of autistic children whose disability places huge demands on time, energy and emotions of parents and other family members
teaching autistic children, who are often also retarded, even simple skills is labor intensive and managing behavior requires constant vigilance, so that little time or attention is available for other children; Don Meyer, who runs Sibling Support Project, and Dr Sandra L Harris discuss counseling children who are themselves teachers and caregivers, and encouraging parents to be fair about needs of their normal children; photos (M) For Siblings of the Autistic, a Burdened Youth
1991Year While some schools offer classes in bicycle riding, it is still primarily up to parents and guardians to introduce children to bicycling and safe cycling skills. Here are some tips on bicycle safety from the Bicycle Institute of America, a Washington trade group.
Buy a Bike That Fits
Bicycles that are too big are hard to control. Standing, a child should be able to straddle a bike with about an inch of clearance over the horizontal bar between the seat and handlebars. If the bike has no horizontal bar, use a yardstick to simulate one. Adjust the seat so that with the ball of the foot in the middle of the pedal, the leg is slightly bent when the pedal is all the way down. For maximum control, the handlebars should be more or less even with the seat.
Wear a Helmet
If all cyclists wore helmets, 85 percent of fatalities and most permanent brain injuries could be prevented. Acceptable helmets carry stickers indicating approval by the Snell Memorial Foundation or the American National Standards Institute.
Different Rules for Different Ages
Children age 6 and under should ride under adult supervision, even on sidewalks, which also have hazards, like driveway crossings. Children 7 to 8 may ride unsupervised but not in the street. With training, children 9 and older may ride on their own but should avoid busy streets until they show sound judgment.
Know the Basics
Children ready for street riding should be taught to ride with traffic, to walk a bike to the street before starting out, to differentiate among traffic signals, and to know that left turns can be made more safely by walking the bike across. Guidepost
Teaching Bicycle Safety