1929Year Govt backs proposal of Southern Airways Assn for new Southern transcontinental airway AIR CHIEFS INDORSE NEW NATIONAL LINE
Army, Navy and Commerce Officials for Another Transcontinental Mail Route.MILITARY ADVANTAGE SEEN Fechet Gives View on Second Capital-Los Angeles Line at Luncheonof Southern Organization.
1931Year Fed agencies pledge aid to Tri-State Comm
Army, Navy and customs Service promise continued vigilance; ship men blame sewage PLEDGE FEDERAL AID TO CURB POLLUTION; Ameli and Other Government Officials Tell Commission Laws Will Be Enforced. STRICTER PENALTIES URGED Army, Navy and Customs Service Assure Tri-State Groupof Continued Vigilance. SHIP MEN BLAME SEWAGE Spokesman Cites Report Tracing89% of Trouble to That Source --Woman Urges Incinerators. Ameli for Severer Penalties. Others Promise to Help.
1932Year Heads U S delegation to Internatl Radio Telegraph Cong HOOVER APPOINTS RADIO DELEGATES
Army, Navy and Department Advisers Also Named for World Parley in Madrid. SYKES HEADS DELEGATION Nineteen Wireless and Telephone and Telegraph Companies Will Also Be Represented.
1944Year Funds, aprroved, House MOVE TO ORGANIZE HIGHER COMMAND
Army, Navy and Experts Will Plan Group for Post-War Security Development
1942Year WPA plans air-raid safety projects WAR WORK PLANNED FOR 7,634 ON WPA
Army, Navy and Hospital Safety Projects to Be Included
1942Year says details of program will be revealed COLLEGES TO TRAIN 250,000 IN SERVICE
Army, Navy and Manpower Commission Is Preparing a Broad Program MEN WILL BE SELECTED Faculties of 200 to 300 Institutions Will Give Instruction on Special Lines