1938Year Pratt and Sheldon get suspended sentences FREED IN BUCKETING CASE
Two Dupes of Fake Brokers Get Suspended Sentences
1958Year 2 Dutch experts propose dikes along part of Hackensack River to reclaim large sec of Meadows JERSEY MEADOWS EYED FOR DIKING
Two Dutch Experts Suggest Levees to Reclaim Land Along the Hackensack
1942Year N I officers escaped from Jap prison camp rept on Jap treatment of prisoners BEATING OF CAPTIVES IS LAID TO JAPANESE
Two Dutch Officers Accuse Foe After Fleeing Hong Kong
1964Year THE HAGUE, Jan. 16—
Two Dutch shipping companies sold their flagships today to the Italian company Flotte Lauro. The sales mark the end of the extensive passenger services that vessels of the two companies had maintained for almost a century between the Netherlands and the Far East. 2 DUTCH LINERS SOLD TO ITALIAN COMPANY
1946Year Two housing developments in Queens, each costing more than $1,000,000, were announced yesterday. HOUSING PROJECTS PLANNED IN QUEENS
Two Dwelling Developments in Rego Park and Bellerose to Cost More Than $2,000,000
1931Year Continued activity in the real estate market in Bayside during the month of November is reflected in the report of transactions by J. Wilson Dayton, realtor. BUYING AT BAYSIDE.
Two Dwelling Sales and Various Leases Reported by Brokers.