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1927Year 2 crews boated on Severn TWO NAVY EIGHTS BOATED ON SEVERN

Butler Puts Pair of Veterans in Each Shell for Early Outdoor Workouts.

1948Year WASHINGTON, April 15 -- A Senate Public Lands subcommittee began today formulating a report to the Senate on a bill to provide statehood for the Territory of Hawaii. There was no indication how the report would fare in its progress to and through the full committee, or whether it would be delivered before adjournment of this session of the Congress. SENATORS WEIGH HAWAII STATEHOOD

Butler Questions Proposal as Many Witnesses Appeal for Territory's Admission


Butler Racer Again Defeats Dark Secret to Capture Empire City Feature. LUCKY CHANCE TRIUMPHS Leads Helios and Eisenberg in East View Stakes -- Prize Day Annexes Second Race. APPRENTICE TAKES THE KNICKERBOCKER

1930Year Dead of past year mourned, list COLUMBIA MOURNS DEAD OF PAST YEAR

Butler Reads List of Deceased Students and Faculty Members at Chapel Service. IMMORTALITY DEFENDED Professor Hayes Finds It in Influence of Work Accomplished, andSees Personal Survival.

1957Year Prime Min Macmillan offers to consult with Labor and Liberal leaders on future use of taps

Butler refuses data on number of taps made on phone lines of MPs WIRETAPPING ISSUE UP; Macmillan Offers to Consult With Leaders on Its Future

1959Year Sec Butler refuses to recommend reprieve NO REPRIEVE FOR PODOLA

Butler Refuses to Act in Case of Policeman's Killer

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