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But Mutton and Lamb Supply Is Expected by U. S. Agency to Be Lower This Winter

1983Year BRUCE is a dog's name in England (not so in Australia) and was also the surname of our Scottish cousins. The etymology of ''Chatwin'' is obscure

but my bassoon-playing Uncle Robin maintained that ''chettewynde'' meant ''winding path'' in Anglo-Saxon. Our side of the family traces its descent from a Birmingham button maker, yet there is a dynasty of Mormon Chatwins in a remote part of Utah, and recently I heard of a Mr. and Mrs. Chatwin, trapeze artists. By the time my mother married into them, the Chatwins were ''Birmingham worthies,'' that is to say, professional people, architects and lawyers, who did not go in for trade. There were, however, scattered among my forebears and relatives, a number of legendary figures whose histories inflamed my imagination: 1. A nebulous French ancestor, M. de la Tournelle, supposed to have been mixed up in the affair of the Queen's Necklace. 2. Great-great-grandfather Mathieson, who, at the age of 71, won the tossing of the caber at the Highland Games and died promptly of a stroke. THE MAKING OF A WRITER; I ALWAYS WANTED TO GO TO PATAGONIA

1973Year mignt ne too young, saia Lesar Cedeno. &#8220

But my bat is not.” Arthur Daley

1958Year B F Goodrich Co develops rubber expansion joint to permit up to 3 inches of expansion or contraction while remaining flush with concrete surface Sidelights

But My Concern Will Do Well'

1985Year SOME years ago, when I taught a graduate seminar in editorial writing and freedom of the press at Hunter College, the class radical from the extreme left bade me farewell at the end of the term and said: ''I still disagree with everything you said, but I'm not as sure anymore.'' I thanked him for the compliment

but my real thanks went to a system that allowed a free exchange of conflicting ideas. No need for me to worry about being monitored by ideological watchdogs from the left or the right. The incident came back to mind as I heard and read about a new organization, Accuracy in Academia, an offshoot of Accuracy in Media, which monitors the news media for what it considers biased coverage. The new organization began in September to enlist students to monitor college professors to detect any departure from the course description or any lack of balance or accuracy in their teaching. Looking back to the free-wheeling intellectual fencing with my militant radical or, for that matter, with most of my students, I wonder how I would have come out on the scale of balance; it also would probably have been difficult to apply the test of accuracy to any discussion ot the complexities of press freedom and the craft of editorial writing. A THREAT TO FREE ACADEMIA

1920Year The fate of the Federal Loan act in case of a Republican victory is causing great anxiety to the farmers. On my trips throughout the country, I hear on every side, "Are the Republicans going to repeal the Farm Loan bill?" Knowing ... SEES REPUBLICANS FOR FARM LOAN AID

But Myron T. Herrick Says They Would Amend Present Law to End "Paternalism." HE WANTS IT CO-OPERATIVE Declares Democrats Enacted Law Hastily and for Effect in 1916 Presidential Campaign. Studied Problem in Europe. Says It Was Passed for Political Effect.

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