1953Year Salt of the Earth: Repr D L Jackson charges film is being made by Communists at Silver City, NM
terms it new weapon for USSR; pledges action to bar pub showings, House Un-Amer Activities Com; film repr attacks charges JACKSON ATTACKS FILM; House Member Terms Picture 'New Weapon for Russia'
1967Year Calls on N Vietnam to clarify its peace proposals s, Howard U GOLDBERG DECRIES HANOI 'AMBIGUITY'
Terms It Obstacle to Talks Says U.S. Is Willing to Discuss Any Subject GOLDBERG DECRIES HANOI 'AMBIGUITY'
1928Year Norris denounces Stewart acquittal NORRIS DENOUNCES STEWART ACQUITTAL
Terms it One More Instance of Decline of Justice in American Courts. HE SAYS WEALTHY ESCAPE "Impossible to Convict $100,000,000," He Charges--Defends Procedure of Senate Oil Inquiry.
1953Year Monnet confidence heartens US MONNET CONFIDENT ON EUROPEAN ARMY
Terms It Part of an Inevitable Quiet Revolution -- His Views Welcomed in Washington
1951Year Kamel Selim Bay sees UN plan screen for Brit subjection EGYPT DENOUNCES U.N.'S LIBYAN PLAN
Terms It Screen for British Subjection of Area--Wants Natives to Be Left Alone
1971Year Atty Gen Mitchell holds convicted criminals abuse of right of habeas corpus clogs Fed cts and strips jury decisions of any finality, s, Ala Bar Assn
terms it serious misdirection of justice; says problem is worsened because laws impose no limit to number of habeas corpus petitions that can be filed; suggests solutions Mitchell Sees Abuses of Habeas Corpus