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1935Year Sermon on missionary's life MISSIONARY'S LIFE CALLED NON-HEROIC

Bishop Ford, Here From China, Says Workers There Are 'Enjoying Every Moment.' CONVERTS VERY RELIGIOUS Catholicism, He Declares, Frees Them From the Many Fears of Paganism.

1975Year new Diocesan Pastoral Council in RC Diocese of Bklyn, aided during past yr by Management Design Inc under $10,000 contract, is developing programs geared to needs of urban ch life in Bklyn and Queens

Bishop Francis J Mugavero illus (M) Diocese Building Own ‘Think Tank’

1940Year funeral 1,000 AT FUNERAL OF REV. DR. REISNER

Bishop Francis J. McConnell Officiates at Service for Broadway Temple Pastor SON OF CLERGYMAN AIDS Delegation From Boy Scouts Present--Speakers Praise Methodist Minister's Career

1976Year Most Rev John R McGann, Auxiliary Bishop of RC Diocese of Rockville Centre, NY, since '71, is formally named to succeed Bishop Walter P Kellenberg upon his retirement June 3

Bishop Francis T Hurley is named Abp of Anchorage, succeeding Joseph T Ryan, who was named Coadjutor Abp of Mil Ordinariate; 3 auxiliaries named to assist Abp Peter L Gerety in Newark Archdiocese are Revs Joseph A Francis, Robert F Garner and Dominic A Marconi; Kellenberg por (M) Pope Names New L.I. Bishop and 3 Newark Auxiliaries

1964Year Ecumenical Council debates new draft on relative weight to be assigned to Scripture and traditions in divine revelation

Bishop Franic stresses ind role of tradition; council gives semifinal approval to collegial authority of bishops and establishment of order of deacons Ecumenical Council Debates Issue of Revelation; Discusses Relative Weight to Be Given to Scriptare and to Tradition

1928Year S on youth, at meeting of Brotherhood of St Andrew TELL EPISCOPALIANS YOUTH IS MISJUDGED

Bishop Frank A. Juban and the Rev. B.I. Bell Defend Young People of Today. MISSIONS IN EAST BAKED Dr. R.B. Teusler Differs With Committee's Report at Session of Brotherhood of St. Andrew.

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