1969Year Bedford, Sybille: A Compass Error A Compass Error
By SybilIe Bedford. 270 pp. Ne Yorh: Alfred A. Knopf. $5.95.
1983Year For those who labor under the naive notion that Christmas occurs only in December, I suggest a visit to the next meeting of the state's Job Incentive Board in Albany. The board is scheduled to go out of business at midnight on June 30, and it wants to give away all the gifts it can before that funeral knell sounds. The reason the board is being abolished is that the Legislature and the Governor agreed that it was a wasteful, poorly targeted program that frequently awarded tax credits - which are tax losses to the state treasury - to blue-chip businesses that didn't need them but sought and got them anyway to add to their already healthy profits. You couldn't blame the businesses for trying to enrich their owners or stockholders, but that's not what the state's economic development policy is supposed to be all about. SANTA CLAUS IN JUNE
by Sydney H. Schanberg
1936Year map of basic commodities subject to control NEW FARM AID PLAN TO REPLACE THE AAA
By System of Bounties Plus Federal Leasing of Land the Administration Plans to Carry On Its Policy
1939Year The methods used in dwarfing specimens of standard size trees, for the purpose of scientific study, may soon be employed by the small homeowner who wishes a variety of trees on his property but does not have room for large mature kinds. Trees Grown in Dwarf Form To Fit Needs of Small Place
By Systematic Pruning, Elms, Oaks, Maples and Other Species Are Held to Moderate Size And Kept in Vigorous Condition Procedure in Dwarfing
1969Year Some years ago I interviewed Richard B. Russell of Georgia, then and now the senior United States Senator, about one of his colleagues, Russell Long of Louisiana, who had just been elected assistant Democratic leader. Senator Russell, at one point, spoke of Russell Long's father, with whom the Georgian had served as a fellow Southern Governor and then in the Senate more than a quarter-century before. Huey Long
By T. Harry Williams. Illustrated. 884 pp. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. $12.50.
1936Year Borah says the party attacking them will win Pres election BORAH PUTS FAITH IN MONOPOLY ISSUE
By Tackling That Problem Republicans Can Be Sure of Winning, He Says at Decatur.