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2003Year University of Cambridge and University of Queensland (Australia) researchers, reporting in Biology Letters, online publication, find that mutually beneficial behavior, in which wrasse clean parasites off other fish, is influenced by taste preference of wrasse

wrasse prefer taste of some fish-beneficial mucus over parasite isopods causing conflict within mutual relationship; State University of New York at Stony Brook, Yale University and College of Staten Island combine efforts to research effects of cadmium from closed Hudson River battery factory on local species of sediment-dwelling worm; their research, published in Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, estimates it takes 9 to 18 generations for worms to return to normal cadmium resistence levels and not effect food chain; Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft operators are accepting public suggestions for areas to shoot pictures; onboard camera has taken estimated 120,000 images so far covering 3% of Martian surface; cartoon (M) OBSERVATORY

1946Year Eldridge, F

Wrath in Burma Books of the Times

1943Year Heydenau, F

Wrath of the Eagles Balkan Supermen; WRATH OF THE EAGLES: A Novel of the Chetniks. By Frederick Heydenau. Translated by Barrows Mussey. 318 pp. New York: E.P. Dutton & Co. $2.50.

1925Year two apes and "link" arrive TWO APES AND 'LINK' ARRIVE AT DAYTON

Wrath of Town Placated When It Is Said That They May Be Used to Disprove Evolution.

1920Year The commerdal interests of the city, at an enthusiastic meeting yesterday at the Hotel Astor, served notice upon organized labor of their intention to break the transportation tie-up at any cost, and called upon the citizens of New York for drastic action "if organized ... FIGHT TO FINISH OPENS ON UNIONS IN TRUCKING TIEUP

Wrath of Whole Public Is Invoked at Session of3,000 Merchants.$500,000 TO BE RAISED Special Committee Is Formed toEnd at Once Congestion on Piers.BRIGANDAGE IS CHARGED W.G. Merritt Tells of Looting; Extortion and Intimidation Evenof Federal Agents.

1982Year NO thought is being given now to liquidating the Wrather Corporation although a decade ago the company was considering winding up its affairs. That was the word from a Wrather executive yesterday in response to an inquiry concerning recent strength in the company's shares. The common stock has risen on rumors that this corporate owner of hotel and television properties might realign its operations if its recently hospitalized chairman, Jack Wrather, were to slow down. Wrather rose 5/8 in Friday's trading on the American Stock Exchange, and yesterday it closed at the day's high of 25 1/2, up 1 1/4 more, to become one of the few stocks to set a 12-month high in the current bear market. Mr. Wrather, who controls more than 40 percent of the shares, has always dominated the company's operations. Market Place

Wrather Corp. Is Staying Put

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