1934Year Opposes free radio time for educ and religious programs, s at Communications Comm hearing W.S. PALEY AGAINST 'FORCED' PROGRAMS
C.B.S. Head Objects to Free Time for Educational and Religious Teaching. UPHOLDS PRESENT SYSTEM He Tells Federal Investigators Over Half-Time Now Is Given to Such Material.
1958Year CBS pres Stanton on TV network outlook, CBS execs and station mgrs conf STANTON WARNS ON TV PROBLEMS
C.B.S. Head Says 'Softness' in Economy May Be Felt by Networks in 1958
1962Year Dr F Stanton sees proposed postal rate rises threat to free press, s, NYC STANTON OPPOSES POSTAL INCREASE
C.B.S. Head Sees Threat to Free Press in Proposal
1962Year Dr. Frank Stanton, president of the Columbia Broadcasting System, proposed yesterday that United States and Canadian broadcasters establish a method for expediting the exchange of satellite television programs among continents. STANTON OFFERS A WORLD TV PLAN
C.B.S. Head Urges Speedier Exchange Transactions
1953Year The Avon, a cozy theatre at 251 West Forty-fifth Street, has been sold by the Columbia Broadcasting System to Abraham and Frederick Dreier. The deal was confirmed yesterday by Abraham Dreier, who operates a national chain of sixteen hotels, including the Piccadilly, Plymouth and Riverside-Plaza in New York, with his son, Frederick. AVON MAY BE FIRST TO FEEL NEW CODE
C.B.S. House Bought by Hotel Men, Who Plan to Restore Plays, Build Offices Above
1959Year Birth control will be discussed at length by Roman Catholic and Protestant leaders when "The Population Explosion" is televised on Wednesday from 10 to 11 P. M. by the Columbia Broadcasting System. TV DISCUSSION SET ON BIRTH CONTROL
C.B.S. Invites Catholic and Protestant Clerics to Talk on Subject Wednesday