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1928Year R A Keller on advantages of resident buying plan URGES JOBBERS ADOPT RESIDENT BUYING PLAN

Would Give Them Same Benefits Now Enjoyed by Chains, Keller Contends.

1951Year Admr Ewing outlines proposed Govt-financed hospitalization plan for those on Soc Security rolls who are 65 or over

would give them up to 60 days hosp care a yr; Ewing sees it costing $200 million, 1st yr; sees no rise in payroll taxes U.S. OUTLINES PLAN OF CARE FOR AGED; Ewing Proposes Hospital Aid as Adjunct of Social Security at No Payroll Tax Rise

1937Year Reorganization of the customs service, as proposed in the bill recently introduced by Representative Doughton to amend the administrative provision of the Tariff Act of 1930, "would place a dangerous power in the hands of the Secretary of the Treasury," according to a report prepared by a committee of the Merchants Association and approved by the board of directors. CUSTOMS BILL ATTACKED

Would Give Treasury Secretary Dangerous Power, Report Says

1920Year Major Charles J. Glidden, Acting Chairman of the Contest Committee for the proposed transcontinental airplane race, made public yesterday what he described as "suggestions" as to the manner in which the race be run. They follow: GLIDDEN SUGGESTS RULES FOR AIR RACE

Would Give Trophy to Aviator Making Best Time from Mineola to San Francisco. TO GIRDLE GLOBE IN AIR Round-the-World Derby Planned by Aero Club Commission-- Tentative Route Fixed.

1931Year Offers to give U S Lines 2 old transports in exchange for S S Republic ARMY SEEKS ONE VESSEL.

Would Give Two Old Transports for the Republic.

1951Year Plans to split common stock on a two-for-one basis were announced by Wamsutta Mills in the annual statement issued yesterday by Joseph H. Axelrod, president, announcing record sales for the year ended on Sept. 30. WAMSUTTA MILLS PLANS 2 FOR 1 SPLIT

Would Give Two Shares of $5 Par Common for Each Share of No-Par Stock Now Held YEAR'S EARNINGS INCREASE Periodical Reports of Income Given by Other Companies With Comparative Data

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