1993Year First, a little quiz for all you executives: Everyone who uses a personal computer, raise one hand. Good. The Executive Computer
The Lingo, From 'Client' to 'Kludge'
1985Year Iced tea is in. Hollywood, which has made an art of eating out, is changing that art to fit the contemporary passion for physical fitness. Gone are the two-martini, butter-and-sauce lunches at the accustomed French restaurants. And because of the trend, not only are the wheeler-dealers healthier, but also ''more muscle is going into the decision making in the afternoons,'' according to one studio executive. ''Even white wine has fallen into disuse
the lingua franca of the lunch set is iced tea with Sweet'n Low,'' says John DeSimio, a publicity executive at 20th Century-Fox, who describes himself as ''the lowest level of management allowed to eat lunch out.'' AT THE MOVIES
1991Year When the Mexican national soccer team played Canada in the cavernous Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum last Sunday on a picture-perfect afternoon and fewer than 5,000 people turned out, it seemed like business as usual for soccer in America: an apathetic public ignored an irrelevant tournament.
But appearances deceive here this week at the Gold Cup, a new competition created by the Confederation of North, Central American and Caribbean Association Football, soccer's governing body in this part of the world. The organization is known by the acronym Concacaf. SOCCER
The Lingua Franca of World Sport Still Gropes for American Accent
2011Year This week, Helen Schulman on her new novel, "The Beautiful Life"
the linguist Ben Zimmer explains how computers reveal the jargon of fiction; Julie Bosman has notes from the field; and Jennifer Schuessler has best-seller news. Sam Tanenhaus is the host. Helen Schulman on her novel, "The Beautiful Life"; how computers reveal the jargon of fiction; best-seller news.
1940Year HOOLYWOOD. BEAMED upon with extreme favor these days is the player whose English is just reasonably English and whose stock-in-trade of accents is diverse. It is all contrary to what you thought. ACCENT ON THE ACCENT
The Linguistic Accomplishments of Akim Tamiroff Find a Ready Outlet
The Linguistic Accomplishments of Akim Tamiroff Find a Ready Outlet