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1938Year H Brandt to introduce vaudeville in 20 N Y C theatres WAR ON 'DOUBLE FEATURES'

Brandt to Install Vaudeville in Twenty of Chain's Theatres

1931Year Leases Lyric Theatre LEASES LYRIC THEATRE.

Brandt to Reopen House Oct. 24 With Vaudeville and Pictures.

1935Year Annual rept of N Y S Division of Highways WOULD WIDEN STATE ROADS

Brandt Urges Legislature to Authorize Work on 3,700 Miles.

1940Year Annual rept on Pub Works Dept $50,000,000 ASKED FOR STATE'S ROADS

Brandt Urges Repairs and New Construction to Put Them in Proper Shape CUT IN FUND A HANDICAP Superintendent Reports Only 223 Miles Were Improved in Last Season

1960Year USSR Embassy denies rept pub by W Ger news agency that USSR spokesman said USSR expects summit conf accord without enforcement of its W Berlin settlement plan

Brandt urges USSR to clarify conflicting statements Article 1 -- No Title

1961Year W Berlin drafts plans to strengthen pol and econ position of city

Brandt urges W Ger help make it most advanced city in Eur; examples of proposed projects West Berlin Drafts Programs To Strengthen City's Economy; Brandt Says Plan Is to Create Modern Industrial Community -- Support Urged as German 'Mission of Honor'

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