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1959Year CLEVELAND, Aug. 29 -- Applying the steady pressure of an almost airtight defense, which sort of subdues the opposition by slow strangulation, Chicago's "Go-Go" White Sox brought added grief to Cleveland today. WHITE SOX BEAT INDIANS, 2-0

Chicago Increases Lead Over Tribe to 3 1/2 Games

1932Year CHICAGO, Aug. 24. -- Unable to conduct a successful assault upon the pitching of Charley Root and Bob Smith, the Dodgers today went down to defeat in the opening game of the important series with the league-leading Cubs, 7 to 4. A pennant-mad crowd of nearly 30,000 cheered the Cubs on to victory. 30,000 SEE DODGERS BEATEN BY CUBS, 7-4

Chicago Increases Margin Over Losers to Four and a Half Games by Victory. HERMAN LEADS OFFENSIVE Stars In Attack on Mungo and Thomas With Triple, Double and Single. CUBS BEGIN DRIVE IN 4TH Register Four Runs to Nullify Rivals' Early Lead -- Root and Smith Stop Brooklyn.

1937Year Validity of Wagner Act challenged by employes of Clayton Mark & Co on ground of no provision for judicial rev of NLRB decisions WORKERS CHALLENGE WAGNER ACT VALIDITY

Chicago Independent Group Takes Labor Board Order to the Supreme Court

1941Year Fed grand jury, Chicago, indicts 10 for gasoline pump mfg monopoly CHARGES MONOPOLY IN GASOLINE PUMPS

Chicago Indictment Accuses 10 Companies and Officials of Price-Fixing in Industry PATENT CONTROL ALLEGED Computer in Filling-Station Device Is Licensed -- Counsel Denies Trust Violation

1962Year Named AID mission head for Philippines HEADS AID MISSION

Chicago Industrialist Named to Post in Philippines

1967Year Por Crown Family Holdings Lifted In Frisco Road to 17 Per Cent

Chicago Industrialist Raises Stake to 372,000 Shares in Deal With Barlington

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