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1942Year Blackout ordered BUDAPEST RAID STUDIED

Berne Views It as Signifying Effective Allied Coordination

2002Year Suzanne Berne travel article on Tyler Place Family Resort in Highgate Springs, Vt

Berne, husband and daughters, now 5 and 7, have vacationed at resort for past six years; chart of other family camps and resorts; photos; map (L) A Breather For Parents And Kids

1948Year Seide, Max RITES FOR DR. MAX SEIDE

Bernecker Conducts Masonic Service for Hospital Aide

1947Year Comr Bernecker hears Nurses Guild and State, County and Munic Employes pleas for salary rises and civil service reclassification of jobs CITY PAY RISE ASKED

Bernecker Hears the Appeals From Employes of Hospitals

1945Year Comr E M Bernecker lays death to attendants shortage STRANGLING AN 'ACCIDENT'

Bernecker Lays Bellevue Death to Shortage of Attendants

1947Year bd approves 2-yr budget for 17 priority projects

Bernecker lr to Mayor on needs discussed HOSPITALS TO GET $135,686,700 HERE; O'Dwyar Says Estimate Board Has Informally Approved Sum for 17 Projects MUST' FOR NEXT 2 YEARS $14,138,000 a Year as Budget Funds for Operation Also Receives Approbation

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