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1955Year Barry holds Dept short 2,000 men despite record roster FIRE FORCE NEEDS CITED

Association's Head Says Staff Is 2,000 Under Strength

1940Year 77th Div Veterans Assn offers to fight 77TH DIVISION GROUP READY TO FIGHT AGAIN

Association's Head Tells Gold Star Mothers Men Await Call


Association's Head Urges Return to 30-Year Loans, Lower Down Payments

1935Year R T Crane sees need for further amendment CRANE, OPTIMISTIC, CONVENES THE I.B.A.

Association's Head, However, Urges Changes in Securities Act and Warns on Taxes.

1932Year Executive com of Assn of Bar of the City of N Y to refer Hofstadter-Steuer investigation to grievance com WEIGH BENCH DEAL AS BAR GRIEVANCE

Association's Heads Refer Case of Hofstadter and Steuer to Disciplinary Group. KOENIG ALSO IS MENTIONED Committee Has Power to Ask for Expulsion -- Women's City Club Backs Alger and Deutsch.

1930Year Fifth Av Assn will centre year's activities on steps to ease congestion SEE TRAFFIC RELIEF VITAL TO FIFTH AV.

Association's Heads to Centre Year's Activities on Steps to Ease Congestion. WOULD ADD TO RETAIL ZONE Proposal Made to Put Boundaries at 12th and 57th Sts.--Leading Officers Are Re-elected.

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