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1969Year Pres Park backs Nixon's moves but says US and S Korea should deal firmly with any future N Korean provocative acts, news conf, Seoul

charges Kim U Sung seeks to provoke US and S Korea into retaliation to draw USSR or Communist China into another war in Korea; N Korea scores Nixon's statement that US planes will continue to fly reconnaissance missions with escorts; renews charge that downed plane violated N Korean airspace Park Urges a Firm Stand Against North Koreans

1974Year Soviet dissident historian Roy Medvedev circulates in Moscow essay 'Lessons of Watergate and Prospects for Detente' in which he holds Soviet press has suppressed news about Watergate not only because of support for ex-Pres Nixon but because of fear of showing how an ind press, judiciary and repr bodies can restrain exec power

charges kind of abuse exposed in Watergate is common in USSR but that Soviet establishment is shielded from even legitimate probe of power abuses; among examples cited is case of Georgian Repub leader Vasily P Mzhavanadze, dropped in '72, but who has been shielded by party officials from probe; says he shares Andrei D Sakharov's concern over present state of detente and backs Zhores Medvedev's nomination of Sakharov for Nobel Peace Prize (M) ABUSES OF POWER BY MOSCOW SEEN

1966Year G Papandreou revs parade, Athens, by his supporters marking 1st anniv of ouster as Premier

charges King Constantine and present Govt violate popular will; demonstrators, Salonika, clash with police; 10 hurt 10 Hurt in Salonika Clash

1966Year T H Bentley files $3,704,000 suit against Kirkeby-Natus Corp, charging co advanced $4.5-million at 10% interest toward financing 50-acre Hollywood Hills condominium development on understanding Bentley and wife, inc as Highland Realty Corp, would retain control of development

charges Kirkeby-Natus then took control of project, ousted Bentleys and doubled financing; Bank of Amer, City Natl Bank of Beverly Hills and 4 Kirkeby-Natus officers named co-defendants COAST SUIT CHARGES DEVELOPMENT FRAUD

1972Year Sen Fulbright urges Sen find way to force Nixon adviser Dr Kissinger to appear before Sen Foreign Relations Com and testify on foreign policy, s, Sen

charges Kissinger with 'outrageous abuse' of his White House position, citing a Kissinger statement on foreign aid Fulbright Urges Senate to Find Way to Make Kissinger Testify

1975Year W Safire article charging Sec Kissinger and Pres Ford, in Helsinki Eur security conf, will be giving USSR what it wants without getting what US said was a condition-progress on mutual and balanced force reductions in Central Eur

charges Kissinger with deception in '74 document in which he assured US Sen that both negotiations were moving forward at same time Super Yalta

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