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1933Year Changes EXCHANGE SEAT $230,000.

Transfer Arranged at Decline of $20,000 From Preceding Sale.

1929Year N Y Stock Transfer Assn announces new system NEW STOCK DELIVERY RULE

Transfer Association Announces System Effective Tomorrow.

1975Year according to testimony before Moreland Act Comm, NYC transferred 200 nursing home patients to new private facilities during Christmas holiday of '73 without asking whether they wanted to move or giving them med examinations

transfer began 1 wk after delegation from Met NY Nursing Home Assn met with then Soc Services Comr Jule M Sugarman and assn threatened to expose alleged failure of officials to plan for opening of new facilities; assn pres Dr Morris Goldsmith declined to testify but assn exec dir Robert M Carr testifies that he has been required to take positions for assn that were not in interest of patients; '73 crisis developed as result of earlier official decision to license construction of score of health-related facilities for patients who did not require intensive care of 'skilled nursing facilities'; skilled homes refused to transfer patients to new facilities; Sugarman agreed to move 200 patients; med soc worker Herbert Goldsmith, Soc Services head Israel Frideman, Dr Karl Pickard and NYC Health Dept med services dir John T Gentry also testify; Asst Health Comr Al Schwarz confirms he ordered inspectors to stress positive aspects in nursing home repts; comm chmn Morris B Abram says comm will ask that Medicaid reimbursmement be denied for all assn dues except for funds clearly spent to further patient care; appeals for passage of comm's reform proposals; illus of Carr, Goldsmith and Sugarman (M) Abrupt Shift of 200 At Nursing Homes Detailed at Hearing

1963Year THIS deal was a triumph for the Jacoby transfer bids, but ironically the result went against Oswald Jacoby, who is the chief proponent of those bids. Bridge:

Transfer Bid Is Success, But It Foils Its Inventor

1962Year ALBANY, Feb. 14--After eleven years of state administration, the Legislature tossed rent control back to New York City today. POWER OVER RENT RETURNED TO CITY EFFECTIVE MAY 1

Transfer Bill Is Voted by the Legislature, Ending 11 Years of State Control RISES TO BE SUSPENDED Moratorium to Start When Governor Signs--Mayor's Aides Drafting Rules POWER OVER RENT RETURNED TO CITY

1945Year approves parent co stock transfer to subsidiary UTILITY DEAL APPROVED

Transfer by American Power to Subsidiary Sanctioned

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