1980Year Huber Matos is 61 years old, compact, grizzled and alert. There is a suggestion of a graying badger to him
an independent creature that is fierce in corners. Prisoner of Castro: The Huber Matos Story; Third of Life in Jail Warm Welcome by Castro A Thirst for Power In Command of Province The Worst Beating How the Jailing Ended
1971Year Nearly 200 East Pakistanis demonstrated their support here yesterday for “
an independent East Pakistan.” They marched with placards outside the United Nations, and about 50 later took over a meeting hall at the Pakistani mission. A Free East Pakistan Demanded at Rally Here
1968Year Bogeaus, Benedict Benedict Bogeaus, 64, Is Dead
An Independent Film Producer
1940Year TULSA, Okla., Jan. 3 (AP)--George Charlton Matson, widely known consulting geologist and independent oil operator, died early today at the age of 66. GEORGE C. MATSON, NOTED GEOLOGIST
An Independent Oil Operator Since 1929--Dies in Tulsa at the Age of 66 TAUGHT IN 3 UNIVERSITIES Author of Many Articles on Geology--Consultant for Large Petroleum Firms
2004Year Murray Chass On Baseball column contends that Major League Baseball, which owns anemic Montreal Expos, is doing team and baseball disservice by keeping Expos in Montreal and should move quickly to relocate team to more attractive market (M) On Baseball
An Independent Owner Is Needed for the Expos
1979Year WASHINGTON, Nov. 3 (AP) —
An independent panel studying the Social Security system will recommend that husbands and wives split their earnings credits evenly if they get a divorce, Stanford G. Ross, Social Security Commissioner, told a House Ways and Means subcommittee this week. Social Security Changes Studied