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1949Year Back from vacation

angered by 'financing' question, says he paid for vacation himself PAID FOR VACATION, SAYS VAUGHAN, BACK

1960Year Comr Cavanagh scores drivers who fail to yield right-of-way to fire vehicles

angered by 2 collisions; repts such accidents at record high; warns Fire Dept will issue summonses to offenders CAVANAGH ASSAILS 'CALLOUS' DRIVERS; Angered Over Two Accidents Involving Apparatus and Firemen in Brooklyn RATE AT A RECORD HIGH Fire Commissioner Warns of Follow-Up Cars to Issue Summonses

1939Year Police Commissioner Valentine decided yesterday that while the department's watchword, "Courtesy," is a good general slogan for his 18,000 men to follow, he had sufficient grounds for ignoring it. VALENTINE IS IRKED BY AUTO VIOLATIONS

Angered by 2 Near-Collisions He Orders Police to Clear Violators Off Streets

1972Year LOGAN, W, Va., June 10&#8212

Angered by a New York Corporation's policies in compensating survivors of the devastating Feb. 26 floods here, more than 3,000 miners staged a wildcat strike this week that halted nearly all production in this state's second largest coalproducing county. WILDCAT STRIKE CLOSES 27 MINE

1970Year UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa., April 24 (UPI)&#8212

Angered by a trustee's crackdown on disrup tive campus elements, two stu dent leaders of Pennsylvania State University proposed today a protest “strike” by all of the University's more than 48,000 students. Penn State Strike Urged

1960Year Adenauer to conf with de Gaulle, Paris

angered by alleged French slights; would have called off conf but French forced visit by 'leaking' news; 'incidents' involving French ties revd FRENCH 'SLIGHTS' ANGER ADENAUER; He Will Leave for Week-End Paris Talks Only Because His Hand Was Forced

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