Citizens Union Finds Roosevelt 'Dishearteningly Indifferent.'
1933Year Recommendations on referendums to be submitted to N Y S voters RELIEF BOND ISSUE URGED ON VOTERS
Citizens Union for $60,000,000 State Aid and for Reforms in Condemnation Cases.
1954Year backed by Citizens Union 4 REFORM BILLS BACKED
Citizens Union for Changes in State Laws on Balloting
1950Year Citizens Union backs Quinn bill SUPPORTS CITY FARE BILL
Citizens Union for Jurisdiction Over Private Bus Lines
1936Year Bill to protect confidential information of newspaper reporters and employes endorsed by Citizens Union BILL TO AID PRESS WINS BACKING HERE
Citizens Union for Measure to Protect Newspaper Men on Source of Stories. HELP TO POLICE IS SEEN Plan to Permit Appointment of Attorney General for State Is Also Approved.
1961Year The virtues of a bad temper and direct action against nuisances were expounded yesterday to a group of New York's civic leaders by Albert S. Bard, 95-year-old vice chairman of the Citizens Union. CIVIC GROUP HAILS ITS HOTHEAD AT 95
Citizens Union Founder Says Bad Temper Got Results