1947Year BKLYN CLUB: Spring training plans Royals May Train With Dodgers At Havana Camp, Rickey Reveals
Brooklyn President and Aides Leaving for Cuba Today to Complete Arrangements --Games in Venezuela Are Scheduled
1949Year VERO BEACH, Fla., March 18 -- It became obvious today that Branch Rickey didn't fly out to Hollywood, Calif., just to look after the needs of that Pacific Coast League club, a new Brooklyn farm. CAMP SITE CHANGE HINTED BY RICKEY
Brooklyn President Indicates Dodgers May Be Taken to California in 1950
1952Year Accompanied by Commissioner Ford Frick and Fresco Thompson, Dodger vice president, Walter O'Malley, president of the Brooklyn baseball club, returned yesterday from the winter meetings at Phoenix, Ariz. O'Malley emphasized his stand against trading Jackie Robinson or Gil Hodges, regardless of the inducement. Robinson and Hodges Will Remain With Dodgers, O'Malley Declares
Brooklyn President Labels Talk of Trades for Two Stars 'Ridiculous' -- Five Indian Directors Back Ryan in Dispute
1928Year Borough Pres Byrne of Bklyn favors moving Hall to Bklyn BYRNE WANTS CITY HALL.
Brooklyn President Says His Borough Now Is in Lead.
1941Year air-raid warden special Bklyn indus enrollment drive planned DEFENSE UNIT FORMED
Brooklyn Presses Campaign to Get More Air Raid Wardens
Brooklyn Pretzel Seller, Children's Friend, Found Guarded by Cat.