1961Year Buckeye Corp opens shelter, Hollywood, that can serve 4,000 for 2 wks
to double its size and build shelters in its 25 bldgs in Los Angeles area HOLLYWOOD GETS FALL-OUT SHELTER; Basement of Bank Building Can Accommodate 4,000
1980Year Backgammon:
To Double Or Not to Double; Or Winning, Large and Small
1950Year Dow Chem raises prices
to double output at Freeport, Tex Dow Raises Magnesium Price
1941Year Australian Air Force overseas squadron to be more than doubled AUSTRALIA WILL SEND MORE FLIERS TO AID
To Double Overseas Squadrons in Few Months, Minister Says
1951Year Welfare Dept repts case work service for families and children successful
to double staff CITY'S FAMILY HELP WILL BE EXTENDED; Staff of Six Case Workers in Welfare Department to Be Doubled Within Week
2001Year ISNER-Jeffrey Michael, M.D. Our heartfelt condolences to Dr. Isner's loving wife, Linda Isner, and their children, Joshua, Jessica and Matthew
to Dr. Isner's courageous and devoted mother, Lilli Isner; and to Dr. Isner's beloved and caring sister, Betsy Robinson and her family. Ethel and Herman Steinberg Paid Notice: Deaths ISNER, JEFFREY MICHAEL, M.D.