1922Year PARIS, July 7.--When the pan-American conference meets at Santiago, Chile, next March the principles of disarmament which have been established as essential to any practical scheme by the Disarmament Commission of the League of Nations will be advanced as a basis for discussion on that subject... LEAGUE ARMS PLAN TO COME BEFORE US
Chilean Delegate Says His Country Will Present It at PanAmerican Conference.GOOD BEGINNING IS MADE Cecil Announces That Important Material Will Be Ready for League Assembly in September.
1927Year Advocates exclusion of question of anti-Amer feeling at Pan-Amer conf, int at Santiago WOULD AVOID SPLITTING PAN-AMERICAN PARLEY
Chilean Delegate Says Thorny National Questions Should Be Shelved There.
1928Year On C E Hughes at Pan-Amer Conf, at luncheon by Chilean Amb Davila, N Y SAYS HUGHES SAVED PARLEY
Chilean Delegate, Here, Pays High Tribute to American Colleague.
Chilean Delegates Repudiate a Statement Attributed to Them.
Chilean Delegates Wait in Paris for Nine European Countries to Reach Regional Accord. DRASTIC CUTS FORECAST Synthetic Producers Are Expected to Limit Themselves to Half of Actual Capacity.
1972Year Chile, under attack by Kennecott Copper Corp in French cts as result of nationalization of co's properties, on Oct 16 seeks support of other major producers, Peru, Zaire and Zambia, at special meeting, Paris, of Intergovernmental Council of Copper Exporting Countries
Chilean delegation, led by E Novoa and Amb P Neruda, seeks to persuade other nations not to divert copper supplies to countries which normally buy from Chile; calls for united front of producing nations and urges mining ministers of 4 countries to meet as soon as possible; Kennecott, which contends it has not been adequately compensated for its nationalized property, is seeking ct orders blocking payments from Eur customers to Chilean state copper co; has already won 1 such order in Paris and is threatening to seek another in Stockholm Chile, Assailed by Kennecott, Seeks Support