Will Be Submitted to Greek Foreign Office After Translation.
1927Year Reprs of N J, N Y S and Pa sign treaty on rights to Del River water
will be submitted to Legislatures TRI-STATE TREATY FOR WATER SIGNED; Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey Will Submit Plan to Legislatures. CITY ASSURED NEW SUPPLY Agreement Allows Daily Diversion by New York of 600,000,000 Gallons From Delaware River.
1967Year Reapportionment plan providing for weighted voting by Supervisors approved by NYS Sup Ct
will be submitted to voters in Nov election; provisions and past proposals revd; League of Women Voters' and Michaelian disapproval noted; latter would give voters alternate choices Court Upholds Westchester Reapportionment Plan
1970Year Proposed const amendment to lower voting age to 19 approved by Legis
will be submitted to voters Voting at 19 to Be on Ballot In the State of Washington
1964Year Sold to Natl Distillers
will be subsidiary National Distillers Corp. And Polymer Dispersions
1998Year Joe Hoke, chairman and chief executive at Mintz & Hoke, will relinquish post of chief executive at end of year
will be succeed by Chris Knopf (S) Change at the Top For Mintz & Hoke