1951Year OAKMONT, Pa., June 27-Jim Ferries, the Australian-born star who won the title in 1947, showed the way in the first qualifying round of the Professional Golfers Association over the rugged Oakmont Country Club course with a 3 under par 69 today. Ferrier Sets Pace in P.G.A. Qualifying With 69
1963Year Hosmer defends contention US proposals for tests ban inspection would permit 'big hole' for USSR cheating, lr on Mar 25 ed, Inglis Apr 5 and Wadsworth Apr 8 lrs Letters to The Times
Before Tests Are Banned Representative Hosmer Says a Treaty Must Bar Soviet Cheating Fluoridation Advocated Dr. Stare Calls It Effective, Safe Way to Reduce Dental Decay City's Literary Landmarks
1995Year Draft Direct Worldwide in Chicago revamped its executive management structure yesterday with a hiring and several promotions at its New York office. Don Zuckert was named to the new post of worldwide vice chairman in New York, reporting to Howard Draft, chairman and chief executive. Mr. Zuckert, 61, was previously chairman and chief executive of the Arcature Corporation in Stamford, Conn., an investment and marketing consulting company
before that he held top posts at what is now the Bates Worldwide unit of Cordiant P.L.C. in New York. THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING -- ADDENDA;Draft Direct Revamps Structure
1973Year sources close to ex-Vice Pres Agnew say on Oct 11 that as early as Sept 13, and despite vehement later denials, Agnew informed Justice Dept through his attys that he was prepared to resign as Vice Pres in exchange for end of Govt's criminal prosecution of him
before that he had vowed to keep his office and vindicate himself and after that, when articles were published that Agnew's attys were plea bargaining for lenient treatment, Agnew temporarily broke off talks; sticking point in negotiations apparently came on questions of how much of evidence against Agnew would be published and how much wrongdoing he would have to admit; basic bargain that became final Oct 10, Agnew's no contest plea to single felony count in return for his resignation, was outlined by his attys in their 1st negotiating session in Atty Gen's office Sept 13; no contest plea allows Agnew to insist on his innocence of corruption charges that Justice Dept was prepared to bring against him; members of Agnew legal team indicate on Oct 11 that Agnew decided before middle of Sept that long fight would not be worth it; say Justice Dept 1st told Agnew in mid-Sept that I H Hammerman 2d, Agnew's close friend and fund-raiser, had begun to cooperate with prosecution and would testify that he had given Agnew kickback money; insist that Hammerman evidence did not change case fundamentally; say Agnew's declaration that he would not resign and his short-lived appeal to Cong to test case for impeachment against him were technical maneuvers to strengthen his bargaining position with Justice Dept; Agnew atty J Best says key negotiations took place with special White House counsel J F Buzhardt Jr, not with Justice Dept; from Agnew attys' standpoint, core of Buzhardt-Best agreement was that Agnew would remain free in his public statement about case to deny Govt's corruption charges and would retain right to review Govt's summary of evidence against him; 1 source close to Agnew attys says that 40-page document outlining an Agnew kickback system and made part of official record of case was 'about 10%' of story Govt investigators had developed Agnew Bargaining Began on Sept. 13
1995Year Hal Riney & Partners in San Francisco said yesterday that Scott Marshall would join the agency on Sept. 5 in the new position of president, assuming responsibilities from Hal Riney, chairman and chief executive, who has been unofficially serving as president for the last three years. Mr. Marshall, 42 was previously president of Scattergood, a high-technology marketing agency in Seattle
before that he was president and chief creative officer of Cole & Weber in Seattle, which is owned by the WPP Group. New Officer Named At Riney Agency
1995Year Arnold Finnegan Martin in Richmond, a division of Arnold Fortuna Lawner & Cabot, said yesterday that it had named Robert L. Barocci, 53, as president and chief operating officer. He succeeded Tom Robinson, 45, who will continue as the new business director. Mr. Barocci joined Arnold Finnegan from Young & Rubicam Inc. in London, where he was the area director for Central and Eastern Europe for the last two years
before that he worked at agencies including the Leo Burnett Company. THE MEDIA BUSINESS: ADVERTISING -- ADDENDA;Arnold Finnegan Picks New President