1950Year ANPA bur links econ stability to ad budgets JAPANESE APPROVE A REDUCED BUDGET
U.S.-Backed Estimates Passed in Diet by Narrow Margin-- Aimed to Halt Inflation
1957Year Nasser says Egypt has not decided whether to refer issue to Internatl Ct CAIRO BARS PLAN TO SHARE TOLLS FOR USE OF SUEZ
U.S.-Backed Interim Idea to Split Fees With World Bank Scored as Evasion CANAL CLEARING BALKED Salvage Men Waved Away --Nasser Says Decision on Israeli Ships Is Pending Egyptian Demands All Tolls U.N. Chief's Bid to Cairo Due CAIRO BARS PLAN TO SHARE TOLLS Wheeler Is Not Critical Nasser Gives Interview Comment on Arab Conference
1951Year sessions, Flushing Meadow 4 IN U.N. BID ISRAEL STOP SWAMP WORK
U.S.-Backed Move in Council Asks Halt of Huleh Drainage --Tel Aviv Envoy Hits Plan
1969Year generally improved security in S Vietnam said to mainly be result of enlarging and equipping of regional and popular forces Pacification in Rural Vietnam Making Big but Fragile Gains
U.S.-Backed Pacification Program Is Making Big but Fragile Gains in Rural Vietnam
1996Year Japan has concluded a currency pact with seven neighboring countries in an effort to expand its role in guarding against turmoil in the currency markets in Asia. Under the arrangements, announced on Thursday, Japan would effectively lend money to the seven central banks against United States Treasury securities and then reverse those deals in what are called repurchase agreements. CURRENCY MARKETS
U.S.-Backed Pact Puts Japan In New Role in Asian Finance
1931Year HAMILTON, Bermuda, April 7 (AP). --Squally weather today forced postponement of the international yacht races between interclub teams of the United States and Bermuda. YACHT RACES ARE PUT OFF.
U.S.-Bermuda Interclub Series Postponed at Hamilton.