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1950Year 28,000 visit orgn hdqrs, Bklyn WITNESSES VISIT CITADEL OF FAITH

28,000 Go to Brooklyn 'Home Office' and Printery--All Now Bound Homeward Where Their Brethren Live At the Cooperative Shop

1923Year July rush over, 28,000 immigrants passed Ellis Island July Rush Over

28,000 Immigrants Passed

1929Year Calls N Y C garment industry strike "fake stoppage" of "right wing," CLOAK STRIKE CALLED FOR 10 A.M. TODAY

28,000 in Industry Ordered Out, but Only 15,000 Now Are at Benches. LEADERS PLAN CAMPAIGN Effort Will Be Made to Enlist Workers in Non-Union Shops in City. CHAIN--STORES CRITICIZED Schlesinger Says Their Patronage of Sub-Standard Producers Fosters "Sweat Shops."


28,000 in Line, but Heralded "March on Vienna" Dwindles to Processions Around It. 10,000 TROOPS ARE ON DUTY 57 Communists Arrested, Several Heimwehr Members Wounded in Minor Town Disturbances.

1926Year VIDMER, Richards, Articles on baseball PIRATES TOP LEAGUE AS ROBINS DROP TWO

28,000 Jubilate in Pittsburgh When the Crew Triumphs by 12 to 8 and 3 to 2. McWEENY HIT ON ANKLE Carried From Field After Superb Twirling Exhibition in Fifth Inning of Second Game. PIRATES TOP LEAGUE AS ROBINS DROP TWO

1927Year Fund voted for N Y C Street Cleaning Dept Third $1,000,000 Is Voted for Snow Removal

28,000 Men Clear Streets in Three Boroughs

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