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1986Year Conforming with the surrounding residential neighborhood of late 19th century houses, a development group in Southport, Conn., is constructing a three-story clapboard office building with many Victorian design elements. Because the 23,500-square-foot office building, called 107 John Street, will be much bigger than anything else in the neighborhood, the architect, Bruce Campbell Graham of Westport, Conn., said he tried to ''break it up into smaller pieces so the massiveness of it was disgused somewhat.'' Postings

Victorian Offices for Southport

1952Year Victorian Order of Nurses home nursing service described WEEK'S DRIVE AIDS CANADA NURSE UNIT

Victorian Order Founded in '98 During Yukon Gold Rush Serves Rich and Poor

1937Year Rev of WPA books, Vermont and Rhode Island Miscellaneous Brief Reviews

VICTORIAN PANORAMA. Photographs, with text by Peter Quennell. 120 pp. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. $3.

1988Year LEAD: ONCE household words, the terms lambrequin, hassock and antimacassar have gone the way of the hoop skirt and the bustle. But in 19th-century America, they - rather than the built-in stereo system and the recliner - were the staples of fashionable middle-class interiors. Currents

Victorian Parlors Re-enacted

1955Year A Briggs book, Victorian People, A Reassessment of Persons and Themes 185 1-67, revd Genuinely Eminent

VICTORIAN PEOPLE. A Reassessment of Persons and Themes 1851-67. By Asa Briggs. 313 pp. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. $5.

1946Year English and American eigheteenth and nineteenth century furniture and decorations, the collection of the late John Paine and the property of Bruce Buttlield and other owners will be auctioned at the Parke-Bernet Galleries, 30 East Fifty-seventh Street on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. PERIOD FURNITURE TO GO AT AUCTION

Victorian Pieces Also Are Listed for Week's Sales, as Are Paintings, Rugs

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