1953Year TRANSIT Authority engineers and anthropologists have done a lot of figuring in an attempt to make subway strap-hanging tolerable for the town's short folk, but in spite of their best, complaints keep coming in. About New York
Small Folk Who Ride Subways Cry for Justice -- Ever See Amster's Yard?
1966Year Independent grocery stores, rather than the big chains, account for the bulk of retail food sales. SALES LEAD HELD BY INDEPENDENTS
Small Food Groups' Volume Tops That of Big Chains Independent Food Groups' Sales Top Big Chains'
1988Year LEAD: The worst of the drought is over, the Agriculture Department said today, standing by its prediction that grain production will fall 31 percent this year. Drought Has Eased, U.S. Reports
Small Food Price Rise Seen for '88
1998Year Indonesia's newly unemployed are one force Government fears, growing mass of angry people who could rise up in violent protests and shake its hold on power
small food riots have already begun in Java, and economic crisis is becoming political threat; officials and labor leaders say they expect 2 million people to lose their jobs in coming year, in addition to 4.4 million already unemployed; photo (M) Newly Jobless (and Newly Angry) Upset Indonesia
1957Year R K Farrand suggests 'merchandynamics' as more exact word than mdsg Advertising: Stock in the Sock
Small for Big Reasons Art From the Heart Sun Oil In a Word Accounts People Addenda
1925Year Drivers wait all night for licenses, small force of inspectors causes delay WAITING ALL NIGHT FOR TAXI LICENSES
Small Force of Inspectors Causes Delay -- Long Lines of Drivers Form.