1931Year Mrs J V Murchie, first wife of G Murchie, sues Mrs E A Murchie, 2nd wife
asks $250,000 MRS. E.A. MURCHIE SUED.; First Wife of Guy Murchie Asks $250,000 for Alienation.
1953Year sues former business mgr S Weiler for $255,863 and acctg LANZA SUES EX-MANAGER
Asks $255,863 and Accounting -- Losses Put at $150,000
1972Year REA Express Inc files suit in Phila Fed Dist Ct against Interway Corp
asks $27‐million in damages arising from '68 sale of REA subsidiary, REA Leasing Corp, to Interway Interway Is Sued by REA On '68 Sale of Subsidiary
1974Year Detroit Edison on Mar 11 files $59‐million damage suit against Westinghouse, alleging negligence in manufacture of 2 giant turbine generators, Wayne, Mich, Circuit Ct
asks $27‐million to cover damage resulting from defects and $32‐million for anticipated repair costs; Westinghouse denies charges (S) DETROIT EDISON FILES WESTINGHOUSE SUIT
1936Year Sues C Laemmle for commission on sale of Universal Pictures Corp BROKER SUES LAEMMLE
Asks $275,000 as Commission for Sale of Film Holdings.
1949Year Govt submits estimate of ECA needs, yr beginning July
asks $279 million more than in 1st yr of plan BRITISH NOW SEEK GREATER ECA HELP; Dollar Deficit Is Estimated at $1,518,000,000, More Than London Got Last Year