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Waldmann's Last-Period Goal Decides Lacrosse Duel, 4-3

1957Year SENECA FALLS, N.Y., Dec. 6--Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Souhan have made known the engagement of their daughter, Miss Frances Patricia Souhan, to Dr. Arthur A. Karpinski. He is the son of Mrs. John K. Karpinski of Auburn and the late Mr. Karpinski. FRANCES P. SOUHAN FIANCEE OF DENTIST


1932Year Firemen to be filmed BRIDGE FIRE TIES UP THREE RAIL LINES

Waldo Av. Span, Jersey City, Set Ablaze Presumably by Locomotive Spark. VEHICLE TRAVEL HALTED Traffic on Hudson Tubes, P.R.R. and Lehigh Valley Suspended Nearly Two Hours.

1942Year W Frank on Axis and Spanish propaganda U.S. ACTION URGED IN SOUTH AMERICA

Waldo Frank Calls for Deeds Instead of Propaganda to Break Axis Ties WARNS ON VICHY, MADRID Author, at Dinner Here, Sees Appeasement in Allowing Embassies to Stay Open

1930Year Asks cultural ties with Latin Amer, s to Inst of Internatl Educ ASKS CULTURAL TIES WITH LATIN AMERICA

Waldo Frank Finds Cynicism and Despair in World's Richest Country PLEA FOR CLOSER UNION Otto H.Kahn Hails Author as Leader Who is Molding Raw Material.

1941Year H M Kallen on link between democracy and peace SAYS U.S. OBSCURES LATIN AMITY ISSUE

Waldo Frank in Ann Arbor Talk Stresses Mutual Dependence of Hemisphere Parts

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