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1942Year U S: experts estimate '42-43 crop CORN FUTURES SEEN IN STRONG POSITION

Carry-Over This Season Is Expected to Be Small Unless the Harvest Is Large MORE GRAIN FOR FEED Offerings by the Commodity Credit Corp. Made at an Advance of 3c a Bushel

1939Year BERLIN, Aug. 20.--Exact estimates of this year's European wheat harvest, compared with 1938, are not available, partly because in some countries, Germany for example, no official reports are yet compiled ... WHEAT SURPLUSES IN EUROPE HEAVY

Carry-Overs, However, Are Tied Closely to Accumulations Against Hostilities

1976Year Assuming that you've done the job correctly behind the line, all that remains once the bill hits the pins is for you to achieve &#8220

carry.” The Bowling Clinic

2004Year Photos of variety of bags, backpacks and totes seen on campus (special section, Education Life) (M) Student Style

Carryall -- Or Nothing

1980Year Sporting Gear

Carryall for Tennis and Racquetball Aiming Device For Golfers Lawn Washers: An Outdoor Game A Rhythmic Pace for Joggers

1937Year Flood control bill amended $194,328,000 VOTED IN HOUSE FLOOD BILL

Carrying $52,500,000 Only for Control, It Survives Efforts to Cut and Raise Amount

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