1971Year HELSINKI, Finland, July 13 (AP)—
United States and Soviet negotiators began what confer ence sources called “serious consideration” today of their goal to reach accord on the limitation of defensive antibal listic missiles and offensive strategic weapons. ‘Serious’ Talks Begin
1964Year MOSCOW, Jan. 6 (UPI)—
United States and Soviet negotiators completed preparations today for tomorrow's opening of talks on cultural exchanges in 1964‐65. Article 5 -- No Title
1976Year GENEVA, June 1 (Reauters) —
United States and Soviet nuclear arms negotiators resume talks here tomorrow after a four‐week recess, with no outward sign of progress toward bridging differences holding up a new agreement on limiting strategic arms. Arms Talks Resume Today
1975Year WASHINGTON, Dec. 22 (UPI)—
United States and Soviet officials have agreed to exchange 29 teams of economic and scientific experts in agricultural subjects during 1976, according to a report published today by the Agriculture Department's foreign agricultural service. U.S.‐Soviet Exchanges On Agriculture Slated
1964Year LONDON, June 6 —
United States and Soviet officials will meet in Geneva June 15 and 16 to discuss a possible Russian role in a global space communications system, qualified American sources have said here. U.S. and Soviet to Open Talks on Satellite Communications in Geneva June 15
United States and Ten Other Non-Members Asked to Confer With Assembly Committee. BUILDING TRUCE IS SOUGHT Washington Inclined to Favor Any Move Toward Limiting Armaments of World. Surprise Causes Debate. Invitations Voted Late at Night. GENEVA INVITES US TO ARMS TALKS NOW Cecil Disputes Massigli. German Reproaches Switzerland. Washington Acceptance Seen.