1928Year Rept by Cooperative Com on drive JEWISH BIG SISTERS MEET.
Committee of Three Groups Reports $65,000 Has Been Raised.
1929Year Com representing Gt Britain, Japan and Spain will oppose proposals by Germany and Can for extending authority of League over minorities LEAGUE TRIO BANS MINORITIES PLAN
Committee of Three Holds Council Cannot Exercise Constant Surveillance Over Groups. GERMAN PROTEST EXPECTED Insistence of Stresemann ConsideredLikely to Make Madrid Sessiona Lively One.
1941Year Highway com on natl defense AIDS DEFENSE ROLE OF ROADS IN STATE
Committee of Three Is Named by Lehman to Cooperate With Federal Authorities TO LIST RESERVE VEHICLES State's Net Draft Quota for the Period Feb. 1-June 30 Is Estimated at 96,970
1948Year W B Miller gets award for adm BAR GROUP PLANS PATMAN ACT STUDY
Committee of Three Is Named to Consider Amendments for Clarification of Law
1938Year C R Gay appts com to study reduction in seats EXCHANGE STUDIES REDUCTION IN SEATS
Committee of Three Named by Gay in Answer to Numerous Criticisms SEVERAL PLANS SUGGESTED 1,375 Memberships Outstanding--Top Price $495,000, in 1929; Last Sale $59,000 Several Suggestions Made To Buy or Sell Fractions APPOINTED TO STOCK EXCHANGE COMMITTEE
1920Year The Vestrymen of the Church of the Ascension met in the study of Dr. Percy Stickney Grant yesterday afternoon to consider Bishop Burch's recent letter to Dr. Grant, especially with relation to the use of the church for forum gatherings. After the meeting, which lasted more than two hours, George Gordon Battle, the Junior Warden, gave out the following statement: DR. GRANT'S VESTRY TO CONSULT BISHOP
Committee of Three Named for a Conference on the Forum at Church of the Ascension. MEETING HELD IN SECRET Head of Episcopal Church Council Criticises Anti-Deportation Resolutions Adopted by Churchmen.