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1956Year farm agent says subsidence extends along 40-mi stretch of Missouri River EARTH SETTLING WIDENS

South Dakota Official Reports Condition Along River


South Dakota Officials Will Act Under Attorney General.

1935Year martial law declared MARTIAL LAW IN STRIKE.

South Dakota Orders Out Troops in Morrell Plant Dispute.

1956Year Gov Meyner, Sen Kefauver disagree on primaries value, news conf, Newark Kefauver Sees Meyner

South Dakota Paves Way

1928Year supporters of Smith win as proposal men to choose delegates to S D State Convention SUPPORTERS OF SMITH SWEEP SIOUX FALLS

South Dakota Picks Proposal Men to Choose Delegates to State Conventions.

1921Year W.H. Lyon of Sioux Falls, S.D., has devised a scheme for Federal aid in the stabilization of farm product prices which is getting general support throughout the farming districts of the West. He would have the Government guarantee a profitable price on any surplus ... WANT PRICE FIXED ON GRAIN SURPLUS

South Dakota Plan to Aid Farmers Wins General Support in West. TO ASK CONGRESS TO ACT Would Have Government Take Over Surplus and Sell It--Demand Flexible Tariff. Fears Exodus from Farms. Says It Would Stimulate Farmers. Wants a Flexible Tariff.

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