1994Year AS much of the Pacific Northwest basked in record warmth earlier this month, some eager windsurfers got a head start on spring and headed for the Columbia River Gorge. Among them were more than a handful of corporate aficionados of the sport, drawn for reasons as diverse as pure exercise, pure pleasure and pure escape. "Your muscles are exhausted at the end of the day," said Patricia J. O'Connor, 38, vice president for human resources at Mentor Graphics, a Wilsonville, Ore., company that makes computer-aided design tools for engineers. "But it's a wonderful way to balance the stress of a high-pressure job. A day on the water is like a mini-vacation, and I come back refreshed and ready to tackle what lies ahead." The Executive Life
Throwing Stresses To the Oregon Wind
1974Year President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam removed three army corps commanders accused of corruption. This apparent bow to opposition pressure, was spurned by Rev. Tran Huu Thanh, a Catholic priest who has been spearheading an opposition coalition. Policemen offset, any impressions of softness by raiding the National Press Club and barring the priest's supporters from downtown Saigon. The priest was hurt trying to hold back, some of Ms stone‐
throwing supporters. [Page 1, Columns 1–2.] New Summary and Index
1974Year President Nguyen Van Thieu of South Vietnam removed three army corps commanders accused of corruption. This apparent bow to opposition pressure was spurned by Rev. Tran Huu Thanh, a Catholic priest who has been spearheading an opposition coalition. Policemen offset any impressions of softness by raiding the National Press Club and barring the priest's supporters from downtown Saigon. The priest was hurt trying to hold back some of his stone‐
throwing supporters. [Page 1, Columns 1–2.] News Summary and Index
1994Year A NOTE of caution to any foxes in the business of watching over chicken coops: If your coop of choice is in the Wall Street area, you might ask around for the names of a few good lawyers. Securities regulators have been taking a new tack when it comes to punishing bad guys. Instead of simply throwing the bums out, they're also poking around to find out who the bums' bosses were and charging those people with wrongdoing too. Wall Street
Throwing the Book at the Boss
1966Year THE boarder at the home of Bill Elias, Navy's coach, is dating Bill's daughter, Candy
throwing touchdown passes for Annapolis High School and hoping against ... Son of Pitt's Coach Lives Dangerously In the Enemy's Lair
1992Year Every time he left his South Lawrence home to run an errand on Monday, Nelson Martinez was stopped by the police and asked to prove he had a right to be in the neighborhood. But he doesn't mind the hassle, he said today, if it helps chase out the drug dealers. The Lawrence police have barricaded every street but one leading into Mr. Martinez's four-block neighborhood in an unusual effort to drive away the dealers by scaring away their customers. Lawrence Journal
Throwing Up, and Living With, Barriers to Crime