1972Year Ind Petroleum Assn of America pres T B Medders Jr says assn has applied to Price Comm for increase in crude oil prices to compensate for cost increases since mid‐'50s
study accompanying application avoids stating amt of increase desired Petroleum Association Asks For Rise in Crude Oil Price
1956Year WASHINGTON--The urge to diversify and otherwise merge and acquire broke a twenty-fiveyear record in 1955. U.S. AIDES WARY AS MERGERS SOAR
Study Acquisitions Carefully to Decide Whether They Serve Public Interest Merger for Survival
1953Year Secs Dulles, Eden and Min Bidault weigh telling USSR of West's readiness to study security guarantees, London conf
study Adenauer doubts that offer should be made until EDC is estab WEST NEAR ACCORD ON URGENT ISSUES; Dulles, Eden and Bidault Act on Trieste and Soviet Note -- Long-Range Problems Next WEST NEAR ACCORD ON URGENT ISSUES
1942Year small retailers debate closing FURNITURE STORES DEBATE CLOSINGS
Study Advantage of Immediate Shutdowns as Sales Drop and Shortages Grow LIQUIDATIONS INCREASING Auctioneers Find More Small Shops Unloading Stocks or Holding Closeouts
1953Year M Scheifele proposals on aiding gifted ADULTS TOLD NEEDS OF THE GIFTED CHILD
Study Advises Teachers and Parents on Guidance That Will Help Adjustment
2001Year It is no longer news that racial profiling occurs
study after study over the past five years has confirmed that police disproportionately stop and search minorities. What is news, but has received virtually no attention, is that the studies also show that even on its own terms, racial profiling doesn't work. Those who defend the police argue that racial and ethnic disparities reflect not discrimination but higher rates of offenses among minorities. Nationwide, blacks are 13 times more likely to be sent to state prisons for drug convictions than are whites, so it would seem rational for police to assume that all other things being equal, a black driver is more likely than a white driver to be carrying drugs. The Fallacy of Racial Profiling