1930Year Will pay Brunswick-Balke-Collender Co cash for musical division CHECK PAYMENTS STAY BELOW LEVEL OF 1929
But the Totals for Last Week Were 20 Per Cent Above Those for Previous Week. Warner to Pay Brunswick in Cash.
1954Year WASHINGTON, Jan. 31 -- The foreign trade bait with which the Soviet Union has loaded its diplomatic barbed hook at the Berlin Conference has given our foreign policy makers a had case of the jitters. Random Notes From Washington: Beyond Red Bait, West Sees Hook
But the Trade Problem Is Left Dangling -- Exterminators at State Department Hang Out Sign and Stir a Few Jitters
1924Year Increased exports to Egypt urged by U S commercial attaches LINEN IMPORTS GREATER
But the Trade With Ireland Has Been Going Behind Lately.
1993Year The Inner Sea The Mediterranean and Its People By Robert Fox Maps. 575 pages. Alfred A. Knopf. $30. In the Mediterranean, artillery shells and jet bombers now scream over Homeric seas. Renewed tribal feuds and religious conflicts are reminders of many centuries of strife in the region. The glories and cultural contributions of the countries along the Mediterranean littoral remain influential
but the tragedy that continues to overwhelm the lives of people there is war. Books of The Times; The Mediterranean, in Glory and in Tragedy
1958Year HOWARD HAYCRAFT has described Assistant Commissioner Sir John Appleby as "surely the most avid spotter of literary quotations and allusions among professional sleuths." Over the course of twenty-two years and almost as many books, there have been times when this agreeable propensity was less than germane to the inquiry
but the trait qualifies Appleby as the one perfect detective to solve the problem of Michael Innes' THE LONG FAREWELL (Dodd, Mead, $2.95). Criminals at Large
1927Year French prepare for arrival HANGAR FIRE HURTS NUNGESSER PLANE
But the Transatlantic Machine Escapes Serious Harm -- One Lower Wing Is Burned. PLANS REMAIN THE SAME Damage Can Be Repaired in a Few Hours and Will Not Delay Ocean Flight.