1937Year Decree amending regulations on imports hailed by mfrs EASED PRICE DECREE PLEASES GERMANS
View Is That Imports at Least Should Gain-Change Welcomed by Manufacturers SHIPPING RISK REMOVED Amendment Held to Indicate That Officials Expect World Prices to Go On Rising Continued Price Rise Seen Lower Cotton Prices
1972Year Pakistani officials have come out of preliminary peace talks with India believing that their country's humilitating defeat in war over East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) will be one of most important assets Pres Bhutto will carry into his meeting with Prime Min Gandhi
view is that India, as winner and unchallenged power on subcontinent, now wishes to mollify world opinion and show herself to be honorable, peace-loving nation; issues to be discussed at peace talks noted; Bhutto por … But the Pakistanis See Some Grounds for Hope
1937Year The securities markets here, while displaying some hesitancy, show no real loss of vitality. There are too few new industrial profit and dividend statements at the moment to give any fresh stimulus to industrial securities, although the commodity groups of securities do not lack for stirring and helpful incidents. SECURITIES MARKETS STILL VITAL IN BRITAIN
View Is That Industrial Stocks Are Marking Time While Gilt-Edge Issues Are Dull.
2002Year Heart researchers urge change in emergency care of heart patients in response to findings that angioplasty, surgery to open clogged arteries, is superior to clot-dissolving drugs
view is that it may be better to take people with suspected heart attacks not to closest community hospital but to hospital where trained team can perform angioplasty immediately; study by Dr Thomas Aversano says angioplasty could be extended to community hospitals without heart surgery facilities, as now required, if team is extensively trained in procedure; Dr Christopher P Cannon, in editorial with AMA Journal report, explains plan to extend angioplasty availability to all hospitals in Boston (M) A CALL FOR CHANGE IN CARDIAC CARE
1973Year Brit Govt believes that problem of maintaining peace in Vietnam should eventually be turned over to the UN
view is that this should be done sometime after the 12-nation conf meets in Feb to 'guarantee peace in Indochina'; Prime Min Heath, who is going to US Jan 30, is expected to include the suggestion for eventual UN supervision in his talks with Pres Nixon; he and Sec Douglas-Home will explore with US precise functions of the Vietnam conf, to which Britain has been invited British Government Thinks U.N. Should Oversee Vietnam Peace
1957Year LONDON, Nov. 23--The need to recreate European confidence in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization as the West's primary instrument for countering communism in Europe has never been more urgent than it is today. The situation itself is not new. Eighteen months ago members of the Atlantic alliance ... NATO: EUROPE SEEKING NEW POLITICAL SET-UP
View Is U.S. Leadership Should Be Shared With Other Nations