1938Year SEC sets hearing on registration SEC SUSPENIDS BROKERS
Unable to Locate Two Who Had Listed Their Offices Here
1936Year Examination of 20 members charged with criminal syndicalism adjourned
unable to locate witnesses A Jamieson and F Rice Black Legion Hearing Put Off
1933Year Recital with M Geob FIORAMONTE, SINGER, ILL.
Unable to Make Hippodrome De- but -- Samoiloff Takes Role.
1931Year Will offer scrip for interest on subsidiary bonds COLOMBIA TO OFFER SCRIP FOR INTEREST
Unable to Make Payments Due Soon on Subsidiary Bonds, Government Adviser Says. TO HOLD AMOUNT IN PESOS But Funds Will Be Sent to Meet All Obligations on Republic's Own External Debt.
1969Year CHRISTIANSTED, Virgin Islands, July 18 (AP) -- Thor Heyerdahl abandoned his battered reed boat Ra 600 miles short of his goal tonight after sharks chased away six of his crewmen as they tried to repair the craft. HEYERDAHL QUITS RAFT IN ATLANTIC
Unable to Make Repairs, He and Crew Board Escort
1935Year Announces cancellation of proposed visit of Mayor LaGuardia to rapid transit and relief projects LA GUARDIA CANCELS VISIT.
Unable to Make Rockaway Trip to Study Transit Problem.