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2012Year Through September, the Capitoline Museums (Piazza del Campidoglio

39-060608) will host “Lux in Arcana: The Vatican Secret Archive Reveals Itself.” The exhibition will feature 100 documents of historical and cultural interest, which will be shown outside the Vatican for the first time. In Rome, Centuries’ Worth of Vatican Secret Archives Revealed

1930Year Buys 39-carat diamond of Elverson collection ELVERSON GEMS SOLD.

39-Carat Diamond Brings $70,000 at Philadelphia Auction.

2005Year James P Bennett, former president and chief operating officer of HealthSouth, is indicted, suspected of having role in what prosecutors say was $2.7 billion accounting fraud directed by company's founder Richard M Scrushy

39-count indictment accuses Bennett of conspiracy, securities fraud and insider trading in sale of $17.39 million of company stock; Bennett is 18th executive charged in case; 15 have pleaded guilty (M) HealthSouth Executive, the 18th, Faces Charges

1938Year Kearsarge (craneship), Sirius (supply ship) and W Woodcock (mine sweeper) reach N Y C from West Coast CRANESHIP OF NAVY TOWED 6,100 MILES

39-Day Trip to New York From West Coast Completed

1953Year A four-story apartment house accommodating thirty-five families at 97-20 Van Wyck Expressway, between Ninety-seventh and 101st Avenues, in the Kew Gardens section of Queens, attracted the greatest interest yesterday in the auction sale by the city of realty acquired through "in rem" tax lien foreclosures. CITY GETS $1,361,792 FOR 258 PROPERTIES

39-Family Apartment House in Kew Gardens Draws 35 Bids at Third Day of Auction


39-Family Building Listed in New Hands--Other Deals

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