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1966Year Romney confs with Gen Eisenhower, Gettysburg, Pa

both deny '68 was discussed; Eisenhower wishes him 'biggest victory' in Gov election; P B Fay Jr, in article in McCall's Magazine, says Pres Kennedy had said of Romney 'he is 1 fellow I don't want to run against,' Eisenhower Wishes Romney 'Biggest Victory'; They Meet at Gettysburg to Discuss Politics but, They Say, Not the Race in '68

1931Year Kylsant and Morland committed for trial

both deny all charges KYLSANT AND AIDE MUST STAND TRIAL; London's Lord Mayor Commits Royal Mail Chairman and Morland, Company Auditor. BOTH DENY ALL CHARGES Reserve Defense for Their Trial-- $25,000 Bail Allowed for Each on Own Recognizance.

1969Year Mayor Alioto revealed to have paid, while in private law practice in '65, about $700,000 in legal fees to Washington State then-Atty Gen O'Connell for helping him obtain larger fee in suit by utility cos and state against elec equipment suppliers

both deny any illegality; O'Connell reptdly retained Alioto to represent cos in '62 at maximum fee of $1-million, amended accord in '65 to give Alioto $2.3-million of which O'Connell got share; cities of Tacoma and Seattle have since demanded and reed rebates; deal under investigation by IRS and present Any Gen Gorton; details Alioto, as Lawyer, Split Fee With Coast Official; Alioto, as Lawyer, Split Fee With Washington State Official

1957Year Agr Dept repr J W Browning repts Upton County, Tex, Agr Stabilization Service Com members Branch and Poage ousted for abuses of drought relief funds, Sen subcom


2003Year Former Asbury Park (NJ) Mayor Kenneth Saunders and political consultant Rayfield James Jr are indicted on federal charges of trying to bribe member of city council in return for favoring developer in waterfront renewal project

both deny charges (S) 2 INDICTED IN ASBURY PARK

1976Year Brazilian Pres Ernesto Geisel annuls election mandates and suspends pol rights for 10 yrs of Fed Deputy Marcelo Gatto and Sao Paulo State Deputy Nelson Fabiano, who allegedly recd help from outlawed Brazilian Communist Party in order to be elected

both deny charges (S) Brazil's Leader Ousts 2 Deputies in Red Link

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