1922Year WASHINGTON, June 9.--Charges by Senator Heflin, Democrat, of Alabama, that the Federal Reserve Board had engaged in "publicity propaganda," were flatly denied in a formal statement sent to the Senate today by the board under signature of W.P.G. Harding, Governor. RESERVE BOARD DENIES PUBLICITY PROPAGANDA
Statement Disputes Heflin Charge That Fund Exists to Inspire Press Praise.
1930Year 13 clergy sign statement declaring that the Ch is Prot
statement distributed at 11 N Y chs; fellowship of faiths stressed 13 EPISCOPAL CLERGY HOLD MANNING WRONG ON 'CATHOLIC' VIEWS; Statement, Given Out at Eleven Church Doors, Emphasizes "Protestant" in Title. 7,000 COPIES ARE ISSUED Many of the Signers Known as Conservatives Who Hold Aloof From Controversy. STRESS KINSHIP OF FAITHS Desire to Safeguard Fellowship With Vital Elements of American Christianity is Voiced. The Rectors' Statement. 13 EPISCOPAL CLERGY DENY BISHOP'S VIEW Signers of the Statement. Move Comes Unexpectedly.
1938Year Quits office
statement DODGE IS BITTER AS HE QUITS POST; Declares That 'Certain People' Hampered Justice to Gain Publicity
1999Year Los Alamos National Laboratory says it has taken disciplinary action against former director of laboratory and two other current or former officials for their roles in Government's investigation of evidence of China's theft of American nuclear secrets
statement does not identify three people disciplined, but Government officials say they are Sig Hecker, former director who still works there as scientist, Terry Craig, former counterintelligence team leader, and Robert Vrooman, former chief of counterintelligence; Craig is still employed at laboratory; Vrooman is retired but works as contractor (M) Los Alamos Punishes 3 for Role in Spy Inquiry
1974Year Amer Assn of Univ Profs's Com on Acad Freedom and Tenure assails attempts by coll students and teachers to suppress research and debate on question of whether heredity is major factor in intelligence
statement does not name Arthur Jensen, Richard Herrnstein or Prof William Shockley, who advance such theory, or those who feel it should not be debated (S) PROFESSORS ASSAIL DEBATE SUPPRESSION
1965Year Blatz says Defense Dept admits that components of weapons are shipped through NYC but not assembled weapons, statement after meeting with city, state and Fed reprs
statement does not say whether complete weapons were shipped in past Parts for Nuclear Weapons Pass Through City; But Assembled Arms Do Not, Officials Here Are Told